Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life of Fred - Elementary

I have been hearing about Life of Fred ever since we started homeschooling. Since my daughter loves story based learning, I always thought it was something we would end up doing. However, up to this year, it’s only been for Middle School and High School kids and weren’t quite there yet. This summer they came out with some Elementary level books and I just couldn’t wait for them to be available second hand, so I went ahead and got them all. I know, compulsive decision much? 
For those who are not familiar with this series, it’s math instruction in the form of a story about a 5 year old boy named Fred who also happens to teach math at a University. Believe me, it just gets wackier from there. The math is in bite sized chunks and mixed in with all sorts of other interesting information. No separate workbooks or additional materials to buy... with these early books anyway.
I do not regret buying these books at ALL. These are great books and I can’t say enough great things about them. The first elementary book is “Apples”, and it’s really at a Kindergarden or First Grade level, but they have so much additional wonderful information in them (mathematical or otherwise) that my fifth and third grade aged kids are reading them with me and loving them. It’s just so wacky, it is highly entertaining while also being educational. I will check back about this later after we have gotten a little farther into them. We finished “Apples” in 4 sittings (me reading out loud) and are now working on “Butterflies” right now. I’m hoping to zip through the other Elementary books and then get my daughter started on “Fractions” this year. Fractions used to be the first book and seems to be about the fifth grade level as best as I can tell.

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