Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Those Crazy Katz' of Windsong Lane: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Emma and the Terrible Twos

While Jack and Johnathan were off having their adventure, Karen had been having one of her own. Sarah had spent the morning upstairs reading, while Ellie had gone outside to look after things right after breakfast. These days they had to take a basket out to collect all of the eggs. Karen sat Joe down and they were going to do some reading together.

These days she would read him a book and ask him to sound out words here and there. She had placed Emma on the floor with some blocks and puzzles, but had lost track of her when she was engrossed with Joe. When she and Joe had finished their story, she looked up and saw that Emma had toddled off and things were quiet, too quiet. Karen had an “oh no” moment. This wasn’t good. Quiet was almost never good with a two year old. She called “Emma!” and got up to start looking around. She didn’t find her in the kitchen or the living room, but then Karen noticed a light on in the bathroom. An awful smell came from there.

With a feeling of dread she looked in and saw Emma in the middle of the floor, diaperless, with poo all over her hands and streaks of it all over the walls. Emma said, “Me go potty!”

Karen said, “Oh, Emma, what a mess.” She wanted to throw up. The whole mess was so revolting. The smell was awful. She grabbed Emma under the arms and holding her at arms length, ran her upstairs to the bathtub. She and Emma spent a good half hour in there getting Emma cleaned up. Karen was just about done and was toweling Emma off when she heard a retching sound downstairs.

Joe came in and said “Ellie go blah” and then from downstairs an anguished sob.  

“MOM!!” Karen put her head in her hands. This was going to be a bad day. Why did things have to happen in these little storms?

She said, “Sarah! Please come here! I need your help!” Sarah had been completely oblivious this whole time. She was disappearing more and more in her own world these days, and Karen was at a loss of what to do with her sometimes.

Sarah got up and came into the bathroom. Karen said, “Please get Emma diapered and dressed, and be careful. She’s decided that taking her diaper off is fun. I gotta go help Ellie!”

With that, she ran out of the room and downstairs. Poor Ellie had taken one look at the bathroom downstairs and upchucked her breakfast all over the living room rug. She was in tears, “I’m so sorry mom!”

Karen went to go get her some towels and to clean up the mess. Now she had two messes to clean up, and quite frankly she was feeling a little queasy herself. As the mom, though, she had had to learn how to not do what Ellie had just done. It would just make the whole situation ten times worse. Somebody had to keep their composure!

She gave Ellie a rag and told her to go up and shower off and then set to work cleaning up the mess. This had not been one of her favorite mornings. It was almost as bad as when everyone had been sick at the same time. She crossed her fingers and prayed that this was her quota for the week. If she could just keep Emma from doing that again...

Emma was becoming progressively headstrong. People always talk about the terrible twos. Not all of her kids had been “terrible” at two. Sarah had always been a cautious and rather quiet little girl. Jack had been headstrong but easily distracted. Ellie had been difficult, and it seemed Emma was taking after her. It wasn’t malicious, they were just interested in everything and therefore into everything, and didn’t understand why they weren’t allowed to do whatever they wanted. They got upset and then got upset all over again when they couldn’t communicate what they wanted.

Emma had just probably not liked the feel of her dirty diaper, and having discovered how to get it off, had also discovered what was in it. Well, that was quite enough finger painting for one morning! She sent Joe to supervise the dressing of Emma while Ellie showered. From upstairs she heard “No! No pan. No pan!” (This meant no pants in Emma language.) She got some lunch going, hoping her stomach would settle soon. She’d put Emma down for a nap soon. Hopefully that would work out. This was another difficult area; Emma seemed to be on the cusp of not needing a nap but was too cranky still to stay up. If that worked at all, she would work with the older two on their schoolwork for a bit in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, Emma refused her nap and was whiney and cranky the rest of the afternoon. This made it very difficult for the other kids to work. Who could multiply fractions with a screaming toddler running around and looking for things to destroy? Joe also wanted some attention, so she ended up just taking everyone, except Sarah, outside. Sarah had her online class to attend to, and this was the only way to give her some quiet for that. It was especially hard sometimes trying to homeschool with a toddler around.

They roamed about visiting with the chickens and the goats. They also took a look at the garden and did some weeding (and mud throwing). At the end of that, Emma was tired enough that she did finally go inside and fall asleep on the couch, but it was late enough that Karen worried sleep in the evening was going to be a problem.

Karen had not actually planned for Emma. After Joe came along, she had felt that she had quite enough kids, but in the way fate seemed to decree things sometimes, Emma had come along unplanned. Karen had a lot of energy, but Emma was almost more that she could handle sometimes. She just felt more and more tired and old trying to keep up with this fifth toddler of hers. Thank goodness she had the older kids to help out at this point, and since they were all home together most of the time, the kids mostly got along with each other and were able to be mentors and friends to each other.

She scrambled to get the dishes and laundry done while Emma slept and Joe watched his favorite show on TV. Maybe tomorrow would be better.

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