Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Madly writing, but not here

As I said in my last post, I've been writing madly for NaNoWriMo and have been neglecting my lovely little blog over here. I'm about to hit 20,000 words, which seems like some sort of miracle in and of itself to me, but I still have 30,000 to go! Ugg! Jessi, meanwhile, has set a modest goal for herself for her first time of 6,600 words (as a kid she can set her own word goal) and is a day or so from reaching that already. That said, she has been able to devote quite a bit of time to this project, while I keep having pesky things like laundry, chauffeuring, and having to feed people get in the way. Often I finally sit down in the evening to write and I'm so tired, nothing good seems to come to me. Also, I think my blogging has set a pattern in my brain of trying to wrap things up quickly. I keep having to invent new situations with my characters as I resolve the old ones in a page or two.

Meanwhile, I have some lovely field trips and activities to report upon, but will do that as soon as I catch up to my daily word goal! Wish us luck on our latest creative endeavor! This is truly our year of trying to live creatively.

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